legal notes |
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* Responsible for the contents of this web presentation: Marcus Wagner. | (contact) |
copyrights * The copyright holder for the texts, images and teaching materials -- as far as they aren't explicitly assigned to other authors or marked as citations -- is Marcus Wagner. They may be further used for private, scientific or educational purposes while their integrity is respected and a complete reference is given, including the date of access. In particular, teaching materials should be cited in proper scientific style with reference to author, affiliation, course and date of access. In contrast, any commercial use of the presented material is strictly prohibited. * The following texts, photos and graphics are published under the copyright of their authors and may not be further used without their explicit consent: * "Bless the Lord, my soul" (Joke Fijan) * "Im Kreuz das Leiden" (Katarzyna Kwiecień-Długosz) * "Freu mich an Dir" (Jochen Tittelmaier) * "Foto aus der Kreativstube" (Ria Rohde)
june 22, 2015 // home / legal notes |